Living at Home with DementiaSumukha take care

Sumukha Home Nursing ServicesSumukha Home Nursing Services is a leading home care provider in Bangalore and other parts of country Since 2001.Our parent company name is Sumukha Facilitators Pvt. Ltd..Our branches JAYANGAR-SARJAPUR ROAD-MARATHAHALLIHelp Desk 918095990811 9243200017Living at Home with Dementia Sumukha take careIt s very important that people with dementia are treated with respect. It is important to remember that a person with dementia is still a unique and valuable human being despite their illness. When a person with dementia finds that their mental abilities are declining they often feel vulnerable and in need of reassurance and support to retain their sense of identity and feelings of self-worth. Our qualified Nurses are trained in such a way to take care of Dementia patents they are flexible and tolerant making time to listen have regular chats showing affection finding things to do together like creating a history book. For more information contact usThanks & RegardsJYOTHI M.S (OFFICE STAFF)Sumukha Facilitators Pvt LtdHead Office 477 1st Floor 45th Cross Jayanagar 8th Block Bangalore-560082Land Mark Near Sangam Circle website www.homenursingservices.inHelp Line 918095990811 9243200017Email sumukha(at) homenursingservicesjayanagar(at) Branches Sarjapura Road - Marathahalli- sanjaynagar- Kanakpura Road



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