2011 Ford F-150 XLT

Ford Certified 5.0L V8 FFV 4WD CLEAN CARFAX GREAT CONDITION and ONE OWNER. Call ASAP Truck buying made easy How satisfying is the low-mileage of this superb 2011 Ford F-150 Ford Certified Pre-Owned means you not only get the reassurance of a 12Mo 12 000Mile Comprehensive Warranty but also up to a 7-Year 100 000-Mile Powertrain Limited Warranty a 172-point inspection reconditioning 24 7 roadside assistance trip-interruption services rental car benefits and a complete CARFAX vehicle history report. New Car Test Drive called it ...comfortable on bumpy streets around town over rugged terrain like construction sites farms and utility roads and on the open highway... Whisper quiet ride. Motor Trend calls F-150 a truck for all reasons.



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