Keep Austin Weird Homes Sells a Home in Scenic Brook a Southwest

Keep Austin Weird Homes Sells a Home in Scenic Brook a Southwest Austin Neighborhood Keep Austin Weird Homes just sold another home in Scenic Brook a Southwest Austin Neighborhood. Keep Austin Weird Homes is excited to get another home sold in Scenic Brook. Austin May 29 2014 - Keep Austin Weird Homes Keep Austin Weird Homes an Austin real estate brokerage has sold another house in Austin. This Austin home with a pool sold for just under 300 000. The home is located in the Austin neighborhood of Scenic Brook. The home has 4 bedrooms 2 baths and approximately 2 420 square feet. The property has a large lot size of one-third of an acre and was built in 1969. Students who live at this house attend the Austin schools of Patton Elementary Small Middle School and Bowie High School. This home is located in Austin s zip code of 78749. The number of active listings in this area of Austin decreased in April by 24.2% from the previous year and the number of sales in April was 34 a 10% increase from April 2013 which reflects the inventory shortage in the Austin market. The median number of days active properties have been listed for sale in this area of Southwest Austin is 36 which is shorter than the national average. Keep Austin Weird Homes represented the buyer of this property who will be doing a massive remodel on this Home in Scenic Brook a Southwest Austin Neighborhood. View other properties for sale right now in Scenic Brook All properties for sale in Scenic Brook Keep Austin Weird Homes Theresa Bastian and Rodney Campbell run an Austin TX real estate brokerage established with the intention of doing good business with good people. As Austin real estate market experts Theresa and Rodney can help you buy sell lease or invest in real estate in and around Austin TX. HOW CAN WE HELP YOU TODAY I want to sell my Austin TX property I d like to Search for Austin Real Estate I d like to speak to someone from Keep Austin Weird Homes - By Theresa Bastian



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