SPA FACIALS AND BODY TREATMENTS IN BOCA RATONSkincare is about more than looking good. It s about maintaining health and vitality. Your skin is the largest organ of the body and its importance to overall wellness should not be overlooked.By keeping your skin hydrated supple and clean you can experience an appearance that s healthy and beautiful. Our spa and facial services are unlike any other and we welcome you to browse our site to learn more about our massage and facial packages skin brightening treatments and more At La Parfait Spa your skin is our priority. Located in Boca Raton we invite you to take a journey with a simple day relaxing and recharging. Maybe you have something specific in mind such as diamond microdermabrasion or skin brightening treatment or need to address a pressing issue. No matter what needs you have whether it s a spa facial or full-body treatment we can help you achieve them safely and effectively.More than twenty years of combined experience means that our friendly staff is always happy to educate our clients. Our staff provides product-use instruction for all the treatments we sell in order to ensure maximum results. With La Parfait Cosmetics all necessary clinical experiments have taken place to ensure performance and quality. We do not test our products on animals.We re the perfect place for the perfect face. For more information or to schedule an appointment (at) 305-600-3313



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