HUD Owned Home Make an Offer

Price Reduced HUD Home 3 bed 2 bath on main floor with 2 additional rooms upstairs that could be used as bedrooms. Large flat lot with shop and outbuildings. Needs some TCL but has a nice floor plan and a gorgeous fireplace in the living room. HUD is ready for this home to be gone. Make us an offer. Sold AS IS by elec. bid only. Prop avail 5-5-2014. Bids due daily by 11 59 PM Central Time. FHA Case 561-948185. Insured w Escrow Repair. 1100. Repairs Repair plumbing (did not hold pressure per PCR). Damaged ceiling. State law requires the seller of any owner-occupied single-family residence to equip the residence with carbon monoxide alarms in accordance with the state building code before a buyer or any other person may legally occupy the residence following the sale however seller (HUD) is exempt from this requirement as a Federal Entity Properties location does not participate in FEMA Flood Zone mapping. 203k eligible. Private Remarks Please refer to for additional information regarding flood zones and insurance. LBP Addendum. For Prop conditions Forms Discl & Avail please visit For additional forms updates step-by-step videos & free photo list please visit Misc. Listing Broker 3% of purchase price Selling Broker up to 3% of purchase price.



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