aac blocks

www.primeaac.comPRIME AAC Blockshave very low thermal conductivity and thus are very good thermal insulators.The light-weight and high structural integrity of the blocks lessens the usage of steel and reduces the cost of construction.We are highly qualified and proficient bunch of people who share a vision of bringing best quality eco-friendly building materials at affordable prices into the market.The management of ECO-CARE Building Products Pvt. Ltd. (EBPPL) is a highly qualified and proficient bunch of people who share a vision of bringing best quality eco-friendly building materials at affordable prices into the market. With this vision we have set up a manufacturing facility producing PRIME brand of Autoclaved Aerated Concrete Blocks which are a replacement for conventional mud bricks.Any product is only as good as the raw material that goes into it. EBPPL ensures that the best available raw material goes into manufacturing of these blocks. Fly-Ash from Vijayawada Thermal Power Station which is the best-in-class and superior quality lime from Rajasthan go into the making of PRIME AAC Blocks. Naturally PRIME AAC Blocks have an edge over other competing brands.



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