2012 Ford Fusion SEL

APPLE CHEVY POWER MOONROOF CLOTH SEATS GREAT CONDITION FORD FUSION SEL 4DR FWD 2.5L I4CYL 1 OWNER CLEAN CARFAXI ALL SERVICED AM FM RADIO CD MP3 DUAL ZONE HEAT & A C FINANCING AVAILABLE FUEL EFFICIENT GOOD BRAKES SPORTY ABS brakes Auto-dimming Rear-View mirror Dual front impact airbags Dual front side impact airbags Electronic Stability Control Four wheel independent suspension Front Bucket Seats Heated door mirrors Leather steering wheel Power door mirrors Power driver seat Power passenger seat Power windows Remote keyless entry Security system Speed control Steering wheel mounted audio controls Tilt steering wheel and Traction control. Ford has done it again They have built some terrific vehicles and this good-looking 2012 Ford Fusion is no exception Motor Trend s 2010 Car of the Year. This Fusion s engine never skips a beat. It s nice being able to slip that key into the ignition and not having to cross your fingers every time.



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