Rockwood Management Ltd specializing in leasing well maintained character homes located in Edmonton Alberta is currently looking for a Building Janitor Caretaker to start as soon as possible. Reporting to the Property Manager the ideal candidate should have the following traits Ability to work in a fast paced environment Reliable and dependable anytime of the day. Good interaction with tenants. The successful candidate will work flexible shift (day evening and weekend). The company offers 18 hour for 40 hours per week. Experience is not required but an asset. The ideal candidate should speak and read good English and at least some high school. Skills Requirements Specific Maintenance Activities Sweep mop scrub and wax floors Remove scraps dirt heavy debris and other refuse Empty waste containers Wash windows interior walls and ceilings Clean and disinfect washrooms and fixtures Troubleshoot and perform minor repairs on heating cooling and ventilation systems Troubleshoot and perform minor repairs on plumbing systems Troubleshoot and perform minor repairs on electrical systems Troubleshoot and perform minor repairs on appliances Move heavy furniture equipment and supplies Paint Repair drywall Perform routine maintenance jobs and repairs Water and tend to plants Work with minimal supervision Office Administration activities Contact contractors for repairs and maintenance of the establishment Advertise vacancies Show apartments and offices to prospective tenants Collect rent Balance rent roll Supervise other workers Perform safety and security checks Equipment Operated Used Industrial vacuum cleaners power sweepers Carpet cleaning machines Polishing machines Waxing machines Power tools Power lawn mowers Security systems Small tractors (lawn snow removal attachments) Snowblowers Swimming pool maintenance and cleaning equipment Upholstery cleaning equipment. Work Conditions and Physical Capabilities Work under pressure Repetitive tasks Handling heavy loads Physically demanding Combination of sitting standing walking Bending crouching kneeling Weight Handling Up to 45 kg (100 lbs) Essential Skills Reading text Document use Numeracy Writing Oral communication Working with others Problem solving Decision making Critical thinking Job task planning and organizing Significant use of memory Finding information Computer use Continuous learning This is a permanent full time position. This a long term job opportunity for the right individual. Business Address Rockwood Management Ltd. 10519-99 Ave Edmonton Alberta T5K0E7 INTERESTED APPLICANTS MAY RESPOND TO THIS AD WITH YOUR RESUME ATTACHED OR APPLY BY E-MAIL recruitment.alberta(at)gmail.com



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