Jersey Shore Commuters Delight Have it all....

This is the nicest townhome community in Bricktown and in fact Ocean County. Clubhouse has a kitchen. There is a kiddie pool with a seperate large pool for adults. There are only 47 units maintance fee is 250 month. Bricktown has the nations lowest crime rates. Master bedroom and master bath is downstairs with a jetted tub. Also 1 2 bath downstairs. Granite kitchen countertops and stainless steel sink & appliances. Freshly painted Benjamin Moore custom colors. Hardwood Brazilian Cherrywood floors in the sunroom office dining room and living room. Newer bathroom faucets lighting and sinks. Crown molding in 3 bedrooms and the bathrooms. The second floor has a large second master with another bath and bedroom upstairs with tons of closet space. Fireplace in the living room. Newer gas water heater A C & Furnace newer Sears Elite stainless steel appliances. (Some items will stay with the condo unit.) New roof & skylights. Crown molding in all the bedrooms & 2 bathrooms. Fully landscaped courtyard and fenced back yard with an open wood deck. 3 ceiling fans and chandeliers. 2 Attics with 2 attic fans. Newer bathroom fans. One car garage plus 3 more parking spaces in driveway. Crawl space storage. We are near Ocean County Park and Great Adventure. We are requesting mortgage preapproval. Exit 91 off NJ Parkway. There is a park & ride right behind us and we are near Point Pleasant Beach & Bay Head Train stations. Near Malls store restaurants galore Come see what you can buy at the Jersey Shore. You can have it all. I am a NJ Realtor. 12 Cherrywood Circle 08724



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