Cute historic private cottage located in historic shrewsbury PA

Gorgeous space located in historic Shrewsbury Village 1 mile off exit 4 I83. Our quaint little town is home to several antique stores and future restaurant next door. We have on and off street parking and our business continues to grow every year. Our building has about 20 vendors occupying from a few shelves to of a floor. You pay rent volunteer some hours. We sell your antiques collectables etc. and you receive a check for the full amount less any charge card fees of 2.75% if appropriate. We do not charge commissions. Our cute historic cottage is becoming available for rent. Monthly rent is 287. You can turn this into your own little private business. Utilities are separate and run about 25 per month. There is storage space on the 2nd floor of the cottage. Approximately 16x14 over 224 square feet private entrance



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