Keep Austin Weird Homes Austin TX Real Estate Brokerage Hires La

Keep Austin Weird Homes Austin TX Real Estate Brokerage Hires Lauren Tindal as Buyer Specialist Austin TX May 18 2014 Lauren Tindal has been named Buyer Specialist for the Austin TX real estate brokerage known as Keep Austin Weird Homes. Theresa Bastian broker for Keep Austin Weird Homes is diligent about hiring the right talent for the company. She and Rodney Campbell who runs the company s buyer s division know that agents who are responsive to a client s needs and have the integrity to follow through on their promises can best assist buyers in Austin. With a degree in interior design from Seattle Pacific University Tindal brings an added level of knowledge that most newly licensed agents simply don t have. Lauren Tindal believes in superior customer service and putting her clients first. She knows it is imperative to stay current with the changes in the Austin real estate market. Tindal describes her passion for real estate I m constantly obsessing over the newest listings on real estate websites and driving around to look at new and old homes and the neighborhoods they re located in. Austin real estate intrigues me and makes me excited that I live right in the middle of one of the hottest markets. Keep Austin Weird Homes Theresa Bastian and Rodney Campbell run an Austin TX real estate brokerage established with the intention of doing good business with good people. As Austin real estate specialists Keep Austin Weird Homes can help you buy sell lease or invest in real estate in and around Austin TX. HOW CAN WE HELP YOU TODAY I want to sell my Austin TX property I d like to Search for Austin Real Estate I d like to speak to someone from Keep Austin Weird Homes - By Theresa Bastian



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