BHONGIRI HIGHWAY FACING HMDA PROJECT WITH BANK LOAN AVAILABLE 1. HMDA Approved With Spot Registration2. Electrical Lines with Street Lights3. 40feet & 33feet Roads with HMDA 4. Ready to construct u r dream house5. 24x7 Security6. Underground water lines with overhead Tank7. Avenue Plantation with Designer Landscape8. Compound Wall Amusement Park9. Drainage System10. Perfect Vasthu11. Provision For Social Infrastructure12. 165 to 10000 sq. yards13. Xpress club houses14. Rain water harvesting pits15. Children s park16. Religious & social placesFor East Bit Additional 200 per sq yardFor Corner Bit Additional 400 per sq yardRegistration document s Charges AdditionalBest Investment Opportunity ever within Hyderabad limits ........1. 2300 9 32 . 2.India 150 . 3. 2 & . 4. . 5. T.T.D . 6. 50 & . 7. 450 . 8. 500 TATA & . 9. 500 . 10. ( ) 250 3000 .11. .12. 1km WI-FI.13. IT .14.govt. .15. 6-7 km 4 ( )16. 100 10 SI 3 CI DSP .17. 4- .18. 10 20 km .19. 8 TMC .20. 1500 v



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