870 16th Street SE SALMON ARM BCWonderful lake view from this 0.21 acre residential building lot in Hillcrest area. Spacious corner lot with slight slope. All city services available. R1 zoning. Great location for a new home. NOTE Seller is tight to price. Realtor deems all information to be correct yet does not guarantee this nor are we liable in any way for any mistakes errors or omissions. Buyer should verify all information important to them.MLS 10171409For more information please contact Jim Grieve Personal Real Estate Corporation250-833-6312 jdgrieve(at)shaw.caJordan Grieve BComm Personal Real Estate Corporation250-833-7812 jordangrieve(at)shaw.caHOMELIFE SALMON ARM REALTY.comwww.jimgrievesalesteam.comToll Free 1-800-890-9166



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