Drums-Must Sell Gon Bops Super Tumba Drums - 850ea (559) 706-656

Please Call or Text 559-706-6567 Premium hand percussion professional grade genuine skin instrument with beautiful cherry high polish finish (Virtually identical to the California Series Gon Bops in quality and craftsmanship CA Gon Bops are no longer made since the manufacturer burned to the ground several decades ago) Polished chrome mounting brackets with original adjustment tools and polished chrome tripod stand ALL IN 99% EXCELLENT COSMETIC AND WORKING CONDITION I have hardly used the drums. They stand just under 4 high on the adjustable stand and the drum strike surface is 11 on one and 10 on the other with the skins stretching over about another 2 . The actual length of the drums is 31 . I believe the face plate is unique to this line of Thailand made drums. I did what I could with the pics to help you see the quality of the drums. - Hand made in Thailand - 850 each or 1200 FOR BOTH Please call or text 559-706-6567 I will accept CASH PayPal and Credit Card (NO Checks NO Money Orders and NO Cashiers checks) You must pick up the drums WITHIN THREE WEEKS of CLEARED PAYMENT-- If the drums are not picked up within three weeks of cleared payment they will be considered abandoned we will re-list them and no refund will be given to you. Shipping Delivery arrangements can be made



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