Vintage Scale Desk Models Vietnam Era Fighter Aircraft

Rare vintage scale desk models of Vietnam era fighter aircraft. These belong to my father who was an Airforce fighter pilot in Vietnam and flew both these aircraft. These models were given to the pilots by the manufacturers. Two models available McDonnell Douglas F101B Voodoo silver with Airforce markings clear plexi-glass stand marked McDonnell F101B Voodoo early 1960s. Good condition. 100 or Best Offer F-105 Republic Thunderchief dark green and tan camo pattern with Airforce markings aluminum arrow head shaped stand with medallion marked Republic F-10 Thunderchief early 1960s. OK condition some wear one small rear wing missing on left side. 70 or Best Offer Will give 20% discount if you are interested in purchasing both models. Also have some other Air Force collectibles availble let me know if you are interested in additional items.



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