Charming Bungalow - BAD CREDIT OK - CALL NOW

Blending the traditional with the timeless in the expertly remodeled but retaining its original old-world-charm a bungalow home with character. With 1 280 sq ft of living space charming 3 BR 1 BA single family home has new countertops and cabinetry that harmonize perfectly with the skillfully detailed millwork and original fir wood flooring. Original crystal doorknobs and claw foot tub add to the charm of the home. Front entrance reveals an exquisitely made staircase and an impressive wood-burning fireplace graces the living room parlor. Off-street parking area you can enter the home through the spacious mudroom and relax in the adjoining sunroom. Additional benefits of the home include new paint - inside and out new roof close to I-5 and shopping. This bungalow would be a great home with its old world charm Contact (425) 610-8365 for more information about this home and other properties that we have available.



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