Elegant living in this 3B den3.5B 3091sf Villa in Grandezza

This 3 bedroom plus den 3.5 bath Courtyard home is just waiting for you Some of the great features are A spacious 3091 square feet The location . A short distance to the Grandezza clubhouse and amenities Beautiful pavered and screened lanai on the Grandezza golf course A casita with bedroom living area and full bath that can be used for your guests children or mother-in-law Large gourmet kitchen w 42 walnut cabinetry stainless appliances granite counter tops tile backsplash walk-in pantry and broom closet 10 ceilings 8 doors crown molding and ceiling fans (total of 11) throughout Plantation shutters and silhouette shades Large heated pool with spa and waterfall (situated in the center of this gorgeous home) Security system Lush landscaping Oversized 2 car garage Lighted trey ceilings in living room and master bedroom Tile throughout main living areas carpeting in 2 of the bedrooms New water heater Large master bath with double vanities granite counter tops soaking tub and oversized walk-in shower Master bedroom has two large walk-in closets Two new double front doors at entrance



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