Belt and Hose Replacement at Rick s Auto Service

Belt and Hose Replacement Timing Belt If your timing belt breaks your engine will stop working stranding you wherever you may be. Even worse it could cause major engine damage. That s why it s important to have your timing belt regularly inspected by Rick s Auto Technicians. Generally timing belts should be replaced every fifty to sixty thousand miles. Serpentine Belt Are you hearing a screeching noise in the morning when you start your car up or on sharp turns It might be the serpentine belt. Serpentine belts also known as drive belts provide power to the air conditioning compressor power steering pump cooling fan air injection pump and more. Hoses Coolant hoses include the upper radiator hose the lower radiator hose heater hoses and in some cars the bypass hose. Hoses provide a flexible connection for coolant flow between the engine and the radiator and the engine and the heating block. We recommends you have your vehicle hoses and accompanying clamps inspected twice a year. Tiny cracks can form from the inside that can eventually lead to a burst hose and overheated engine. Call Rick s Auto today or just drop on in. Because you don t need an appointment to drop in on your neighbor. ( 954 ) 763-6995 Located at 701 NW 5th Avenue Fort Lauderdale Fl 33311



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