WOW Brand NEW 2014 Vehicles For Rent At The LOWEST Rates In Town

DeAnza Car Rental 4398 Market St. Riverside CA 92501(951) 788.7030 - (855) 788.7030 FREE LOCAL PICK-UPS -REQUIREMENTS- 1. Valid Driver s License 2. Proof of Residence (One of these) -Utility Bill -Rental Agreement -Electricity Bill -Gas Bill3. 250.00 Deposit for Major Credit Cards Renters4. 300 Deposit for Debit Cards and Cash RentersThis Weeks HOT DEALS 2014 Mitsubishi Outlander.................................... .............. 39.99 Daily (UNLIMITED MILES)2014 Dodge Journey...................................... ...................... 39.99 Daily (UNLIMITED MILES)2014 Dodge Challenger................................... ................... 49.99 Daily (UNLIMITED MILES)2014 Dodge Charger...................................... ..................... 49.99 Daily (UNLIMITED MILES) 2014 Dodge Caravan...................................... .................... 49.99 Daily (UNLIMITED MILES) 2014 Dodge Ram V8 HEMI......................................... ....... 49.99 Daily (UNLIMITED MILES) At DeAnza Car Rental we keep ONLY newer model vehicles that are maintained in EXCELLENT condition with all NEW 2014 vehicles in fleet at the LOWEST rates in town & not to mention AMAZING vehicles If you have any questions please do not hesitate to give your friendly car rental agent a call (at) (951) 788.7030 or (855) 788.7030. Have a LOVELY & SAFE day Don t forget to check us out on FACEBOOK )) We hope to see you soon here at DeAnza Car Rental where Each Client Receives Customized Service .Key words- Toyota Honda Chrysler Nissan ford rent my car rent my truck rent my bike rent to own by owner by dealer family needs a car low rider hot rods Monte Carlo el Camino suv ecu needs work car not running car parts lease my car lease my truck events party birthday party looking for a car cheap cars cheap rentals cars impala rims donks car service take over car payment take over motorcycles payment take over truck payment Benz Mercedes bm montecarlo76 525i 325i 650 550 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 old cars racing cars airbags sound system needs rims 20inch rims 22inch rims 24inch rims 26inch rims 28inch rims 30inch rims



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