3.39ct GIA Certified Madagascar Unheated Sapphire Radiant Cut

This is a stunning GIA Certified Unheated SapphireThe GIA report reads as follows GIA Report Number 2193231797 Shape Octagonal Cutting Style Crown Modified Brilliant Cut Cutting Style Pavillion Modified Brilliant Cut Transparency Transparent Color Blue Species Natural Corundum Variety Natural Sapphire Geographic Origin Madagascar Treatment No Indications of Heating Item Description One Loose Stone Weight 3.39 carats Measurements 8.17 x 6.38 x 6.40 mm Comments Any statement on geographic origin is an expert opinion based on a collection of observations and analytical data.Internal notes and additional description Weight 3.39cts Clarity Slightly Included (Minor eye visible inclusions) Colour Blue Treatment None Origin Madagascar This GIA Sapphire Gemstones has not been treated with heat or any other method. Most Sapphire has been heat treated to improve colour and clarity sapphire is assumed to be heat treated unless certified otherwise. There is a premium on the price of unheated gems.Internal SKU GIAS8016 Please quote SKU if you have any questions about this gem.



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