Electrical-Mechanica l Technicians

Seeking experienced Electro-Mechanical Technicians to work for an international manufacturer of power generation equipment and systems. You will perform general electrical or mechanical assembly . This position requires electrical knowledge. Heavy lifting of up to 70 pounds. This is a fast-paced environment where accuracy and attention to detail is critical. Must have basic knowledge of how to read electrical diagrams work with a volt-meter and experience with basic and electrical hand tools. Technical Degree preferred. Ability to work in a fast paced environment. Seeking an experienced Electro-Mechanical Assembler to work for an international manufacturer of power generation equipment and systems. You will perform general electrical or mechanical assembly . This position requires electrical knowledge. Heavy lifting of up to 70 pounds. This is a fast-paced environment where accuracy and attention to detail is critical. Must have basic knowledge of how to read electrical diagrams work with a volt-meter and experience with basic and electrical hand tools. Technical Degree preferred. Ability to work in a fast paced environment. Please submit your current resume indicating your related work experience in word or pdf format only) via classified ads. Please include REFID ELA-CL Electrical Assembler in the subject line. NO AGENCIES PLEASE. Work Hours Monday-Friday 7 00am- 4 00pm EEO Employer.



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