40 ft house boat

Not you average house boat it is a verry functional and affordable get away originally a 1960 s criss craft more recently a restoration project was drive up from the coast about 8 years ago and docked at the light house marina where I purchased her and begain revitalizing to meet my needs I replaced all the floors with 3 4 treated ply wood replaced all the windows with new vinl windows and painted the entire out side she has a full working galley and sleeps 8 plus people has a new hot water heater and has Ben plumbed for a bath room but not installed yet makes a perfect place to spend the week end as she floats in her slip but could use a women s touch on the inside I have invested over 10 grand in her but I have ran out of time and money so my loss is your gain will exept cash or trade use your imagination call 205-292-9045 or 205-210-3340



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