Yacht Detail

Maintaining your vessel is a very Important role to play when it comes to keeping your Investment protected This is not a Vehicle Therefore the proper knowledge equipment and products are needed We are Experienced Mobile Detailers who have serviced all types and lengths of Vessels Motorhomes Aviation & more We use nothing but High Quality products Servicing the Houston and surrounding counties & NOW expanding out near Corpus christi and Rockport areas We come to YOU Here are some services offered High Power RinsingFoam Cannon Chamois Dry CompoundingCreme waxHigh Speed BuffingOxidation removalBarnacle removalDecal removalWindows cleanedCanvas cleaned Teak CleaningEngine detailDeck BuffingChrome shined Rails wiped and sanitizedSeat re-conditioningCarpet shampooUV ProtectionVinyl conditioningGutters and compartments cleaned Panels. Holders. Instrument panels cleanedINTERIOR DETAIL (PLEASE CALL)Prices do vary by length and conditionCONTACT 713-261-3054



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