Marine Boat Detail

To ensure the highest quality possible. We proudly use top products for all of our maintenance services Let our professionally trained technicians do the dirty work so you can get back to enjoying the water Offering SAME DAY services upon request We service the Houston and surrounding areas Prices do vary by length and condition If you have any pictures of the vessel that is needing to be detailed. please do send in order to receive a more accurate quote SERVICES OFFERED INTERIOR DUSTING & VACUUMINGINTERIOR SCRUBBINGRUST STAIN REMOVALLEATHER VINYL RESTORATIONISINGLASS RESTORATIONPOWER FOAM FORMULA WASHINGMETAL RESTORATIONWOOD RESTORATIONFIBERGLASS GEL COAT REPAIRNON-SKID SURFACE REPAIRENGINE ROOM CLEANINGENGINE ROOM PAINT & REPAIRHULL DETAIL & RESTORATIONDECAL OXIDATION AND BARNACLE REMOVALGUTTERS AND COMPARTMENTS CLEANEDHIGH SPEED BUFFINGHIGH QUALITY CREME WAXCOMPOUNDING & MORE Contact 713-261-3054



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