Precise Boat Detailing

The outer surface of a fiberglass boat is normally a special resin called gelcoat. Gelcoat has little structural value -- the underlying laminates of resin-saturated glass fabric provide that -- but gelcoat protects the hull and gives it its color and shine.Keeping your vessel maintained is a very important chore However it requires knowledge and expertise experience when it comes to taking on such a task. Therefore Let us take care of the Job for YOU while you sit back and RELAX and maybe take care of some other important tasks. We service the Houston and surrounding areasOur prices do vary by length and conditionIn order to give you a more accurate quote Please do send pictures of the Vessel that is needing to be servicedHigh Power Foam WashFull Engine Room Detailing Metal Polishing and RestorationIsin glass Cleaning and RestorationMold and Mildew RemovalLeather and Vinyl Cleaning and RestorationCanvas CleaningHatch and Fish Box CleaningHull Restoration (in and Out of Water)Window and Mirror CleaningVinyl Wrap removalInterior-Complete DetailingKitchen CleaningBathroom (Toilet Shower and Sink)Master and Guest Bedroom CleaningCarpet ShampooingVacuumingRefrigerator CleaningHigh speed BuffingCompoundingHigh quality creme waxDeck Buffing Clay Bar Wet sanding & MORESend pictures to and or contact 408-713-9072



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