EMT tube bender - Pipe Tubing Roll Cage Exhaust (Spencer MA) 100

I have a Blackhawk tubing bender that looks to be the same as a Greenlee Flip top bender. Several dies. Works great. Makes 90 degree bends. Has followers so you end up with no kinks or distortion. Great for conduit roll cages etc. This is a quality tool that is a little on the older side built by an industrial company. Dont confuse it with Cal hawk (junk). This is not the push through type with the t-shaped frame. Those will generally not do a 90 without kinks. Let me know if you have any questions 1250 or best offer call text email (with name and number so I respond) 508 six 8 eight 4227 greenlee green lee le parker diacro pexto niagara back hawk bender notcher coper fab fabrication chopper hot rod industrial sheetmetal sheet metal sand rail rat jd jd2 squared jd32 jd3 3 32 model protools pro tool tools Hydraulic tube tubing pipe exhaust bender like Greenlee flip top flip top electrical contractor electrician schedule 40 thin wall thin wall...



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