Fresher and experience persons both can apply for this job

Simple typing work in MS word. You will be asked to convert simple PDF files text to MS word. Set of guidelines will be provided and you will then be asked to write accordingly in respect to those guidelines. Totally work from home work that is online work. You are not required to visit even once at the place. New opportunity to learn and grow. Can work in parallel to already running job or business. Can work easily in free time.Candidate Profile should be confined of following skill set Typing speed should be minimum 20 to 25 words per minute. The candidate should have adequate knowledge of Internet MS office PDF and good at surfing as well. Candidate Qualification must be 10 2 or any graduate. Fresher and experience persons both can apply for this.FOR MORE DETAILSSMS YOU RE NAME AGE MOBILE NOTO81100-81135



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