2005 FREIGHTLINER COLUMBIA 120 For Sale In Conrad Iowa

This is a 2005 Freightliner Columbia 120 in excellent condition. For sale by private owner in Conrad Iowa.INFRAME 120 000 MILES AGO NEW TIRES PAPERWORK OIL SAMPLES Double Bunk Power Divider Rebuilt GeneralYear-2005Manufacturer-FREIGHTLINERMode l-COLUMBIA 120Condition-UsedMileage-1398111 miVIN 1FUJA6CK95DV26038State DOT-YesHorsepower-470Engine Manufacturer-DetroitEngine Brake-YesOverhaul-YesTransmission-10 SpdOverdrive-NoRatio 2.64Differential Lock-YesSuspension-Air RideNumber of Rear Axles-TandemColor-BLUE WHITETires-22.5 LO PROWheels-All AluminumDrive Side-Left Hand DriveA C Condition-GoodA C-Yes You can contact Terry Bryant at 641-485-1922 with any questions.Also please mention Wide Angle Marketing when calling regarding this Freightliner.



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