2001 LANCE 1061

2001 LANCE 10612001 10 6 Lance Truck Camper with Slide-out2001 LANCE 1061 Truck CamperType Truck Camper Stock Number 16666ALSA1 Length 10 feet Sleeping Capacity 4 Slide Outs 1 Awnings None Water Capacity 31-40 Gallons Levelling Jacks Included Air Conditioners None Title Clear VIN 142909LIST PRICE 8 995 MSRP 10 950Vehicle Description2001 10 6 Lance Truck Camper with Slide-out width 93 height interior 6 9 fresh tank 33 gal gray tank 21 gal black tank 14 gal fridge 6 cu ft dry weight 2860 lbs.s www.klamathrv.com vehicle-details 2001-lance-1061-344cd3e8b62f284ba952ddbe66f85 d7a



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