One bedroom unit for rent in the highly desirable Chicago Avenue Place condominium development This full amenity complex is in a SUPERB location across the street from Trader Joe s near Jewel and Whole Foods. Walk to everything Unit features include hardwood floors in the living dining room dishwasher microwave garbage disposal double-sided cabinets a private balcony and in-unit washer and dryer. Amenities are available at NO ADDITIONAL COST and include elevators indoor rooftop pool indoor rooftop hot tub well appointed workout facility rooftop sundeck party room (may require fee deposit) garage parking spot and a large additional storage unit (adjacent to parking spot). Super clean freshly painted and move-in ready for June 1st or sooner Parking and ALL amenities INCLUDED in rent Short walk to Purple Line el or METRA. Small pet considered with pet deposit and pet interview. Call Robert Ritchard at Palm Properties for a showing 773.443.6426.



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