1997 30&rsquo SALT SHAKER 30 Center Console For Sale

1997 30 SALT SHAKER 30 Center Console For SaleTwin 2003 YAMAHA 250HP HPDI OutboardsCurrent Price 49 900You will find this 1997 30 SALT SHAKER 30 Center Console to be in far above average condition for her age. She powered up with very dependable (and newer) 2003 Twin YAMAHA 250HP HPDI Outboards at only 600 hours. The ten foot beam and thirty foot LOA equate to lots of room in this boat for a thirty footer Equipped with a large live well three (3) fish boxes three (3) built-in tackle boxes lots of seating for your guests and a large cabin with v-berth four (4) storage lockers and full head with a macerator system.Some of the electronics include Two (2) 12 Northstar Marine Displays with GPS Radar Speed Fish Finder Compass and more. New Auto Pilot System Two (2) Bank Battery Charger Infinity Stereo System with amp Blue Interior Lighting and Spotlight and Windlass Anchor System. In addition she features two (2) new fresh batteries and new clear rain canvas with two (2) zip-in side curtains. This boat was built by the highest of standards with all custom hand laid fiberglass.This clear Florida Titled boat is lift stored with white high-gloss bottom paint and ready to immediately head out for some fun boating adventures. The owner recently took delivery of his newer boat and has his SALT SHAKER 30CC priced to sell fast as he does not want to be a two-boat owner. Don t miss out on this one by inquiring today for a personal walk-through.To view more photos and the full specifications contact Jerry at the email address on the photo business card in this ad and mention this boat. Or call 239-430-BOAT (2628).Boat Market Evaluations & World-Wide Boat Search at www.mainframe.band boat-inquiry.htmlContact Jerry Chiappetta Jr.D Onofrio Yacht SalesCellular 239-430-BOAT(2628)Office 954-527-4848



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