Priced 1500 below book value 2014 35ft. Winnebago One 32BH wslid

Type Travel TrailerYear 2014Make WinnebagoModel One 32BHLength 35Awnings yesSlides 1Sleeps 8AirConditioner 1Price 18000 Seller Number 740174. For sale by owner 2014 Winnebago One 32BH. Priced 1500 below book value Pristine condition only used 7 times. Still smells new. Bunkhouse model sleeps 8 comfortably. Beautiful RV Kept under winter cover. Kids are no longer interested in camping so it s time for it to go to a new home. Outdoor kitchen standup shower microwave tv and dvd player outdoor speakers passthrough storage electric jack two propane bottles high quality cabinetry electric awning. Sleeps 8 Call Allan 540-819-5492.



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