Maintenance Installation Technician

Job Description Trillium Environmental is seeking a full-time Maintenance Installation Technician for our client in Des Moines. The position is temp-to-hire and will involve plumbing wiring constructing and maintaining remediation equipment tools and facilities consistent with the company work orders blueprints schematic drawings and other prescribed specifications. Hours will be Monday-Thursday 10 hour days with Friday-Sunday off averaging 40 hours per week Duties & Responsibilities Helps to fabricate install and maintain various types of remedial systems and their parts and components includes taking responsibility for installing plumbing electrical pneumatic electronic and constructual systems Helps construct remedial buildings and control panels. Operates under direct supervision various types of construction equipment and power tools such as pumps saws etc. Maintains logs and records of installation maintenance and other work performed. Assists with field ground work and installation of remediation systems and equipment etc. as authorized and directed. Performs other duties as assigned. Experience with MIG Welding a plus Qualifications High school education plus 1-3 years of additional trades training or continuing education in similar construction engineering trades Knowledge and experience in one or more of the following carpentry plumbing electrical wiring electronics pneumatics hydraulics and construction principles and practices Ability to read and interpret blueprints schematic drawings and other prescribed instructions as described Ability to read and interpret blueprints schematic drawings and other prescribed instructions as described Ability to operate various types of construction equipment as described and perform manual installation and other field work as specified For more information or to apply Call Amanda (309) 291-0771 or Email a resume to amaddalozzo(at) Can also apply online on our website at jobs job 322363



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