DEWALT 32-12 in. x 60 in. Rolling Miter Saw Stand--xcbp (Cherry

The item is new and the price is firm. PRODUCT OVERVIEW Model DWX726 The DEWALT 32-1 2 in. x 60 in. Yellow Metal Rolling Mitre Saw Stand features a durable tubular steel construction that supports up to 300 pounds. or materials up to eight feet. in size simplifying tool carriage. Its vertical storage capability and rubber grip wheels make it great for jobsite transport and storage. Durable tubular steel construction supports up to 300 pounds. Supports materials up to 8ft. in size Rubber grip wheels for easy portability between venues Adjustable mounting rails adapt to most miter saws and portable thickness planers for convenience 3-position pneumatic-assisted raising and lowering Vertical storage capability helps conserve storage space...



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