2011 Chevrolet Traverse LT

Price 22998 Mileage 59696 Chevrolet CERTIFIED... Awesome Gassss saverrrr 24 MPG Hwy Are you interested in a simply super car Then take a look at this toy-hauling Vehicle Safety equipment includes ABS Traction control Curtain airbags...It is nicely equipped Power locks Power windows Auto Rear air conditioning...Chevrolet Certified Pre-Owned means that you not only get the reassurance of a 12mo 12 000 mile Bumper-to-Bumper limited warranty and a 2 year 24 000 mile Standard CPO Maintenance Plan but also up to a 5-Year 100 000-Mile Powertrain Limited Warranty a 172-point inspection and reconditioning process 24hr roadside assistance and a complete vehicle history report. Great prices and Great Customer is what you can expect from Pat McGrath Chevyland Dealerrater recently announced Chevyland as BACK TO BACK Best Chevy dealership in Iowa based on Customer feedback Two years in a row we have been ranked best place to buy a Chevy in the state of Iowa We were also recently awarded the GM Dealer of the Year honor for the Third Time Call us today at 888-406-6073 or fill out the online request form. Prices are subject to change. Contact Dealer to verify pricing....more info



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