Part-time Work Wanted

I am seeking part-time work at home position or your office only 15 to 20 hours a week consisting of a Saturday and a few week evenings data entry cold calling lead follow ups marketing research filing etc.. Specialties marketing networking event planning cold calling following up on cold & warm leads cash handling train employees customer service multi phone lines lease agreements & property management trouble shoot titles collections foreclosures disbursements subordinations tax forfeitures organizational skills billing assistant management lien pay-offs. And other acquired skills. MS Word MS Office Solomon Peachtree Excel Act Pace Outlook Lotus Notes SAP Data trace Access Encompass MLS Socbor Real comp Quicken QuickBooks Basic Edition Web best ACH Veritec Property Max FedEx & UPS Data base. Very computer & internet savvy. Support professional offering versatile office skills and proficiency in Microsoft Office programs. Strong planner and problem solver who readily adapts to change works independently and exceeds expectations. Ability to juggle multiple priorities and handled multifaceted of clerical tasks (e.g. data entry filing records management and billing) offices. Coordinated and maintained database and ensured the delivery of premium customer service. Quickly became a trusted assistant known for can-do attitude flexibility and high-quality work. I am willing to discuss salary and a schedule that works for both of us.



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