T25 P90X3 MMA TapOut P90X Zumba...sealed in box

original workout DVD sets sealed in the box. T25 Focus 50 (10 DVDs comes with Alpha Beta resistance bands all guides manuals) T25 Gamma Cycle 20 (4 disk set ) 3-part conditioning system but it is designed to be integrated into the FOCUS T25 BETA cycle to ramp up and accelerate your results T25 Gamma for full 14 DVD set workout 70 P90X3 50 (16 workout set all guides manuals) Newly released 30 mn intense work P90X3 55 (16 workout set all guides manuals PLUS resistance band ) Insanity 50 (13 DVD set all guides manuals) Insanity Asylum Sports Performance 40 (6 DVD set all guides manuals) Insanity Asylum Vol 1 AND 2 PLUS resistance band and ladder) 100 P90X2 50 (13 DVD set all guides manuals) P90X 50 (13 DVD set all guides manuals) Zumba Exhilarate 7 Disk DVD set with Shaker Sticks and all manuals 50 MMA inspired TapOut 8 DVD set and resistance band 50 Located in Sugar Hill Buford near Hwy 985 & Hwy 20. .Can also meet in parts of Suwanee and Duluth... if you cannot come out to Gwinnett county I will accept goggle wallet or paypal and will ship to you with confirmation number within 2 days of payment received. Shipping to you add 6 to cover cost. Text 770-569-3269



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