We are licensed insured and bonded. NO JOB IS TOO SMALL We specialize in kitchen and bathroom remodles. We also finish basements replace panels and services. We also do everything that is listed below and more Call or Text anytime Joey Pixler-(402)651-3116 -6 Standard Remodeling Cans 110 each. -6 LED Cans 175 each. -4 Cans 130 each. -Xenon Under Cabinet Lights 125 each. -LED Under Cabinet Lights 175 each. -Install Penant 115 (per light) -Moving Outlet Switch 75 each. -Installing Ceiling Fan in Existing Location 115 New Location 95 -Installing Light Fixture In Existing Location 70 New Location 95 -Installing Wall Scone In New Location 95 -Dimmer Switches 50 each. -Installing Exhaust Fan 75 -Puck Lights 75 each. -Over Cabinet Lights 200 per area. -Panel Swap 1000-1500 -New Service 2500-4000



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