Home health care worker

Home health care worker (Permanent Full time)Antonio FamilyLocation Woodbridge ONSalary 16.00 to 17.00 hour (To be negotiated) for 30 hours weekVacancies 1 VacancyEmployment groups Youth Visible minorities Persons with disabilities Indigenous people Newcomers to CanadaWork Setting Work in employer s client s home Optional accommodation available at no charge on a live-in basis. Note This is NOT a condition of employment Public transportation is availableWork Site Environment Non-smokingSpecific Skills Caring for an elderly man with a disability. Duties include the following Feed or assist in feeding Shop for food and household supplies Provide personal care Provide companionship Perform light housekeeping and cleaning duties Assist clients with bathing and other aspects of personal hygiene Launder clothing and household linens Demonstrate infant care to new parents Assist in regular exercise e.g. walk Administer bedside and personal care Prepare and serve nutritious mealsJob requirementsLanguages EnglishEducation Secondary (high) school graduation certificate or equivalent experienceExperience 1 year to less than 2 yearsSecurity and Safety Criminal record checkPersonal Suitability Punctuality Client focus Reliability Effective interpersonal skillsWeight Handling Up to 9 kg (20 lbs)How to applyPlease send resume by email antoniog.87(at)mail.comIntended job posting audienceAnyone who can legally work in Canada can apply for this job. If you are not currently authorized to work in Canada the employer will not consider your job application.



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