Needlepoint Chair Queen Anne Style

Needlepoint Chair Queen Anne Style This Attractive Queen Anne Style Accent Chair was made by the Victorian Company. The rich wood frame features a leaf design on top with a backrest and seat. The fabric is a lovely shade of green with intricate floral needlepoint in red green yellow and pink it is framed with brass tacks that enhance its beauty. This is perfect for a living room dining room den or bedroom. Condition Excellent. Structurally sound includes all the elements (upholstering brass tacks padding underside netting) are in excellent shape. Please see our Photos. Measurements 37 Tall x 23 Wide x 23 Deep Our pieces have been photographed with macro views that show details and the imperfections of the pieces use the zoom button for enlargements to clearly see the items. We Offer Free Pick -Up Shipping is not included in the price of this item. Click on the link below it will take you to our storefront for more information photos and to purchase this item. queen-anne-chair-46506871



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