Luxury spacious like new condo. Share with nice gay guy

Available for June 15th will lease this week so if you are interested let me know right away Luxury newer condo overlooking a hillside view in this exclusive guard gated community. The neighborhood is located above a quiet cove. I am furnishing the place but if you have living room dining room furniture that s certainly a plus. There is a small patio outside that I will furnish with plants a chair and maybe a fountain. I am moving in and you have a choice of either of the Master Suites I am flexible on which one I take I want to find the right housemate Option A A private hallway leads you to this 12x 16 bedroom with full bathroom in the hallway. Views of the hill. 500 a month. Option B The largest of the two. Bedroom is about 14x20. Really large in room dressing area with nice cabinets and granite countertops. Parking space available for 100 a month. Share just with one other professional. A guy professional guy in my 30 s. The master suites are on the opposite ends of the unit so it s really private. I want someone who is really friendly and professional. Money 65 a month for Gas Electric DSL Water and Trash just to keep it simple. One months rent refundable security deposit plus one months rent up front. Please Visit here -



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