100 for Virtual offices 500 for Full Time Offices

HAVE THE PRESTIGE OF A CLASS A BUSINESS ADDRESS & RECEPTIONIST Offices at Quest Workspaces in Downtown West Palm Beach The flexible Virtual Office programs are ideal for the mobile worker home office user or growing company that requires the business support of a professional team and a professional presence.Part-Time Office Enjoy the support of a professional team and the image associated with our prestigious building while only paying for the office time you need. Meet your clients or get work done in one of our conference rooms or private offices on an hourly daily or weekly basis. Use our office equipment and clerical support services as you need them. This package includes use of a private office or conference room 16 hours per month plus mail and telephone answering services.Business Phone This program offers a dedicated telephone number answered in your company s name personalized phone answering by our professional receptionists and call forwarding.Business Address This program offers receiving and forwarding of all mail and packages a lobby directory listing and the business image associated with an address in one of our prestigious buildings. With the same Great Services - Perfect Location Complimentary Beverages Professional Receptionist Impressive Lobby Catering Available Copiers Printers Fax WIFI - T1 Internet Access Phone On-Site Restaurant and On-Site Manager.COME TRY US OUT RECEIVE YOUR FIRST HOUR OF OFFICE FREE. For more information please contact Carye Farrell Center Manager Quest Workspaces 515 N Flagler Drive Suite P-300 West Palm Beach FL 33401 561.370.7400



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