Account manager driver

Account Mnager Driver Job DutiesManage the Collections ProcessAct as a customer counselor by discussing benefits of timely lease agreement renewal paymentsMonitor and recommend payment frequency changes to the General ManagerConfirm customer identification collect money and obtain customers signature on lease agreementsContact customers who have not renewed their lease agreement(s)Monitor the accuracy of customer classifications according to customer payment history and habitsCustomer Care and ServiceMaintain customer contact over the phone and through field visitsUpdate customer information to maintain accuracyAchieve Monthly Account GoalsHelp set and achieve renewal goalsPosition RequirementsRoutine lifting loading and dollying heavy merchandise of 50 pounds or moreDemonstrate good communication and interpersonal relationship skills including exemplary telephone etiquette Exhibit outstanding organizational skillsMaintain professional appearanceMaintain solid safe driving skills and the ability to legally drive a Company TruckOther tasks as assigned by the General Manager



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