Craftsman 21" Rear Wheeled Self-Propelled Mower - (E.FT.MYE

Craftsman 21 Rear Wheeled Self-Propelled Mower. Briggs & Stratton Engine OHV. 6.5 HP. Excellent running working condition ready to go Any further questions or inquiries come to Terry s Small Engine Repair 401 New York Drive Fort Myers FL 33905 Call the phone number listed in the above portion of the ad. Located 1 4 mile north of Palm Beach boulevard ( Corner of Walter and Railroad Street ). We are a Stens distributor the world s largest parts warehouse in the nation. We carry lawnmower blades( all sizes ) Primer Bulbs ( all sizes) cables ( throttle and control cables ) repair kits for most carburetors kill switches for most lawnmowers motor oil for 2 and 4 cycle mowers and trimmers STP Gas Treatment and other items . We now have the equipment to straighten lawnmower shafts . However the shaft has to be at least 2 3 4 from the top to the base of the shaft . We don t carry these items in stock. However we are able to order them online from our warehouse.



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