Ace City 2 BHK Ultra-Modern Apart. Rs. 3295 per sq.ft Call Now

Ace City a luxurious residential project at Greater Noida West is designed with best quality and innovative approach keeping futuristic requirement in mind . It has 7 acres central landscape where park garden swimming pool club sports facilities are provided. Interior and exterior of the Apartment entices the resident presenting stylish and modern home. Amenities East facing ApartmentIndoor and outdoor sports facilities 24 7 advanced security system24 7 water supply24 7 power backup Project Details Project Name Ace CityLocation Gr. Noida WestApartment Size 1150 Sq.Ft.Price Rs. 37.90 Lac Contact Details TruHomes RealtyB-67 2nd Floor Sector 63 Noida - 201301.Contact No. - 91-9268-300-600 Visit



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