Seeking Regional Class A OTR Drivers

Large company seeking company drivers. Must have 1 year OTR experience. Seeking Solos & Teams. Solo pay is 36 CPM with a .005 CPM raise every 6 months to a 42 CPM Cap. Teams start at 40 CPM split with a .005 raise capping at 46 CPM. OTR Regional positions. Type of freight is refrigerated. All equipment is a year old. 15-20% drop & hook 99% no touch. Average miles for Solo is 1500-2000. Teams will average 2500-2700 miles. OTR will be out 14 days with 2 days off. Regional will be out 7 days with 1-2 days off. Multi stop pay Dock detention Layover pay. Primary running areas is East of I35 Midwest to East Dallas & Atlanta always returning to Midwest. No New England states & No border crossing. Orientation is 1.5 days with a 250.00 driver incentive. Travel hotel breakfast & lunch provided. Great Health & Dental benefits starting 60 days from hire date. Please Call For More Information At 1-888-531-5865 Ask For Diane Or Jackie



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