Come teach in China

Hello I am Kyle a recruiter for many great schools in China. If you have BA from and a passport from a native speaking country you qualified to teach aboard Here are some of my job listings. If interested send me an email with your resume to kyleyuewenedu(at) Details below (all salary in RMB average conversion rate is 6RMB to 1USD)Position Full time Native English teacher needed.School KindergartenLocation Guangzhou citySalary 17K-20K per month after taxApartment single apartment providedStudents age 3-6years of ageClass size 12-15Days off weekend and all legal holidays in ChinaWorking hours 20hours per weekBonus 8000RMB per year Visa Z visa provided Position full time Native English teacherSchool UniversityLocation Guangzhou citySalary 14K-17K per month before taxApartment single apartment providedStudents age 17-22years oldClass size 30-40Days off weekends and all legal holidays in ChinaWorking Hours 20hours per weekBonus 8000RMB per yearVisa Z visa provided Position Full time Native English teacherSchool Training schoolLocation Nanjing CitySalary 14K-20K per monthApartment 2K extra per monthStudents age 3-16 years oldStudents in Class 12-15Working hours 20 hours per weekDays off 2 days off in the weekdays and all legal holidays in ChinaBonus 8000RMB per yearVisa Z visa provided Position Full time Native English Math Science American history School International high schoolLocation Zhengzhou citySalary 13K-14K per monthApartment 1000RMB extra per monthStudents age 14-18 years oldStudents in Class 20-40Days off weekends and all legal holidays in ChinaBonus 8000RMB per yearVisa Z visa provided Again if interested please send a resume to kyleyuewenedu(at) Kyle



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