Professional Weed Abatement Services

Professional and Affordable Weed Abatement and Brush Clearance.Have you received a weed abatement citation violation notice from the City Code Enforcement or Riverside County Fire Department Give us a call Today Let s get your property in compliance and avoid huge city fines for non-compliance. Pursuant to Riverside County Ordinances 695 and 772 property owners who receive a notice of violation and order to abate must clear their cited parcel(s) within 30 days as per the requirements set forth in the notice.Bobcat Services we offer -Weed Abatement -Brush Mowing -Fire Hazard Abatement -Brush Clearing -Tree and Brush Removal -Tree and Grove Demolition -Land Clearing and Grading -Tree Trimming Pruning and Crown Reduction -Landscape Clearing -Code Enforcement Cleanup Notice Compliance -Lot Clearing and Cleanup -Demolition Breaking - Concrete Asphalt Driveways Block Walls LandscapeResidential Commercial Vacant Lots Parcels Easements Roadways FencelinesWe can abate weeds through bobcat mowing and clearing of any vacant lot from an acre up to the largest parcels in compliance with Fire Departement and City Code Enforcement on hazard abatement ordinance and specifications.Call Text Mike 951-329-8065 Licensed contractor with over 30 years of experience in land management and abatement services. Proudly serving the Inland Empire cities. Insured. Bonded. Bobcat tractor equipped. Expert owner operated. License 532653 Website greenpeters.comService Areas Murrieta Temecula Wildomar Menifee Riverside Moreno Valley Lake Elsinore Hemet Perris Winchester Anza and surrounding cities in the Inland Empire California.



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