Nags Head West Ranch Colorado s Western Lifestyle Equestrian

Nags Head West Ranch Colorado s Western Lifestyle Equestrian Facility This unique ranch property is located on 385 beautiful mountain acres just 20 minutes north of the charming mountain town of Westcliffe Colorado in the Wet Mountain Valley between the Majestic Sangre de Cristo Mountains and Wet Mountains. The views are truly amazing For riding all year even if its cold outside. This property has truly amazing design on layout and landscaping to enrich the western lifestyle. 313 acres is ag status for low property taxes. The ranch has private access to approx. 65 000 acres of BLM along with many miles of untouched Grape Creek offering trout fishing hiking and horseback riding. At the ranch there are over 5 miles of groomed graveled equestrian trails easy to maintain throughout the gently rolling terrain and rock outcroppings meadows and an awesome stop on the property is 110 yr. old authentic cabin at the edge of a meadow ypu can spend the night or have guests. When not out on the trail enjoy the Western comforts of the cozy 3 943 sq. ft. Custom Ranch style Real Log Cabin from Montana home with open floor plan vaulted ceilings spacious kitchen with granite countertops 2 ovens and gas range. The great room boasts with the wonderful mountain views hardwood floors and step out to full length covered deck that overlooks not only the beautiful mountain range but a wonderful entertaining area bocce court horseshoe pits and perfect sitting areas to enjoy the beautiful Colorado weather. The home has master bedroom suite and 2 bedrooms offices on main level. Walk out lower level offers a family room 2 bedrooms spacious closets full bath exercise room wine cellar and pantry and offers a sitting area to enjoy the views. 2 car port with storage. The ranch is completely powered by solar electric garden shed with Onan propane backup generator 12 ft.x52 ft. barn holds up to 7 horses hay barn designed to hold 800 small hay bales a utility shed with electricity and 3 frost-free watering posts. 60 ft. round pen a 72 ft.x140 ft. outdoor arena with covered viewing area and a 164 ft.x 80 ft. fully insulated and light indoor arena suited for riding and driving. With tack room bathroom 2 large automatic garage doors and vehicle storage. One exciting aspect of the ranch is called the Grotto an entertainment area with authenic chuck wagon to enjoy true old west living have chuck wagon style dinners and enjoy a campfire flickering on the rocks the property is a haven for deer elk antelope and more if this is something you have been dreaming of Nags Head West Ranch has all this and more.... soon will have more photos offered at 1 750 000 ....... call or leave a message for Tammie Lynn 719-783-3300 or cell 720-539-2922



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