Is your computer running slow

Has your computer quit working Is it running slow or not performing up to your standards A lot of time this can be cause by programs that start when Windows loads which in turn leads to Longer boot times and even a slow running system altogether. Worst case scenario is that you may have a spyware malware or virus infection. Both of these issues are something that we can address here at our shop so Bring it in to Digital Crisis Inc. Today Our technicians at our shop are friendly resourceful and courteous.You called a geek...You tried a friend...Now it s time for a PRO We are located in the strip center on the corner of Pease Street and St. Emanuel Street. Contact us today at or Give us a call (at) 281-500-1213 Store Hours - Mon-Fri 9am-5pm Saturday by appointment only Apple Mac pro Macbook Macbook Pro Dell Acer Asus Gigabyte Nvidia repair computers tower laptop netbook notebook iMac Macintosh HP Hewlett Packard Lenovo MSI Alienware gaming data recovery screen replacement keyboard hard drive sata eSata virus viruses malware spyware power supply monitor screen ATI Radeon networking network Windows Server 2008 Windows 7 windows 8 windows xp windows vista server desktop replacement recover data backup data wireless 802.11 clean ups LCD optimization reload upgrades crisis digital cracked Mavericks Mac OSX OS X Crypto Locker CryptoLocker



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